09 Maj

Thirrje e Hapur: Ekspert në mbrojtjen e konsumatorit

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Open Call for Information sessions expert on consumer protection

In the framework of the project : “Toward EU: Strengthening CSOs and local government for better consumer protection”.
The Association “Instituti per Zhvillim dhe Inisiativa Qytetare” opens call for an expert for an information awareness campaign on consumer protection.

Persons interested in submitting the documentation to the addresses:

Email: institutiperzhvillimqytetar@gmail.com / daburnazi@gmail.com
Post: St. Brigada VIII, pallati jeshil tekno-projekt, shk.4 Ap.12
Hand in the learning address

Deadline for submission of applications: 22 May (time 16:30)

TOR Eks ses.info.docx

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