# DITA 3
Ditën e sotme u përmbyll trajnimi 3 ditor në qytetin e Elbasanit me përfaqësuesit e Bashkisë, shoqërisë civile, gazetarë dhe qytetarë.

Shoqata Instituti per Zhvillim dhe Iniciativa Qytetare në partneritet me Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank, po zbaton projektin “Drejt BE-së: Forcimi i shoqërisë civile dhe qeverisjes lokale për një mbrojtje më të mirë të konsumatorit”.
Ky projekt mbështetet financiarisht nga European Union in Albania nëpërmjet programit IPA 2017, i cili menaxhohet nga Ministria e Financave CFCU Albania.
Today ended the 3-day training in the city of Elbasan with representatives of the Municipality, civil society, journalists and citizens.
Representatives of the municipality stated that they have started the first serious efforts to open a customer office in this Municipality
This is an important and significant step for the team that is working hard in the implementation of this project 

Training of human resources, is a great contribution to the efforts made by the Municipalities of the country for the opening of the CONSUMER OFFICE
At the end of the third day a “pos test” was done and certificates were distributed.
Instituti per Zhvillim dhe Inisiativa Qytetare in partnership with Albanian Socio Economic Think Tank, is implementing the project” Toward EU: Strengthening CSOs and local government for better consumer protection “.
This project is financially supported by European Union in Albania through the IPA 2017 program, which is managed by the Ministry of Finance CFCU Albania.